Angels Breath

Writings of an ordinary unknown human being living on this blob of dirt we call: Earth... floating in space

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

*sigh* dam good song....

So, I heard this song. And after reading the lyrics I fell in love with it. Hope you like it too :)
(it's Track-1 on the music player on my Main-MySpace page. Track-4 is a remix)
** ALSO: for some truly beautiful lyrics/songs , Check this man's Blog out. TRUST ME: he's the real thing .. beautiful lyrics :) **
"Apologize" - by One Republic

I'm holding on your rope, Got me ten feet off the ground
I'm hearin what you say but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me Then you go and cut me down,
but wait You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I'd take another chance, take a fall Take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat But it's nothin new
I loved you with a fire red- Now it's turning blue,
and you say... "Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

It's too late to apologize, yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah-
I'm holdin on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground...

Dedicated to my ex: J.
He knows who he is.

Sorry only goes so far, baby.
The stranglehold is no more;
the lies you spun have blown away;
the pain has receded but the memory remains....
Goodbye goodbye goodbye

Saturday, June 09, 2007

the Paris hilton fiasco: STOP ALREADY!

It's disgraceful what happened to Ms. Hilton & what's continuing to happen via the media and on the internet because of her situation.

1) The facility she was in (and is now back in) is "FULL" (Sherriff Baca stated this).
2) Inmates range from minor (as in Paris's case) to major offenses (murder, rape etc), wit hthe majority being major offenders.
3) When situations arrive where an inmate should be considered for alternative incarceration methods &/or transfer, the minor offense inmates are evaluated first... and I am sure they consider ALL factors surrounding each inmate, case-by-case.
4) Mr. Baca was "in charge of Miss Hilton's" care & well being while in that facility.
5) Medical PROFESSIONALS gave Mr. Baba their report pertaining to Ms. Hilton stating a "serious medical condition(s)" which would be detrimental to Ms. Hilton's health & well being while she is in that facility.
6) Mr. Baca considered all the facts, including her reason(s) for being there, and concluded she would be better off serving her sentence under House Arrest.
7) Mr. Baca approved her going home under House Arrest using an electronic monitoring device.
8) The Judge saw an error in procedure (formal request for permission to do this...or whatever...) and demanded Ms. Hilton to return to a court hearing regarding the error(s).
9) During this hearing the Judge REFUSED to review the Medical Report, which outlined her condition(s), in chambers. He flatout said NO.
10) Without even reviewing the MEDICAL FACTS or considering the standing of her offense (minor, vs. major) & the current situation in that facility, the Judge ordered her to return to Jail.

Basically, unfortunate errors (& blatant incompetance + ignorance on 'the bench') have caused this nightmare for Ms. Hilton and her family.
A disgusting plethora of papparazzo surrounded Ms. Hilton's home and neighborhood, waiting for her to emerge so they could capture her pain, angst and images thereof, during her return to jail.
The media frenzy at her HOME was dispicable!! Media followed the patrol car she was in by, literally, RUNNING down the roads behind it for the entire 13 MILE TRIP ??!?!!!
What about the other drivers & pedestrians on the road and THEIR safety?!!?!!
What if one of those reporters/photographers caused the Patrol car, with Ms. Hilton inside, to have an accident ?!?!!
This was indesputable proof of the dangers to caused by overzealous paparazzo, and the outrageous insanity fueled by the public's "NEED" for information/images regarding certain people.

Dear world,
Imagine this happening at YOUR home, TO you. Would you be crying? Would you be upset &/or angry? Would you have been concerned for your safety &/or health?If you are human & have even half a brain, you would be.

This isn't about a celebrity being upset because they didn't get the easy-way-out. Paris was rightfully upset & crying. She was medically deemed a risk if she had stayed in that facility, put under House Arrest, told a mistake was made, then basically told by a JUDGE that her serious medical condition didn't matter (that he didn't care) and told she had to go BACK to that facility for x# of days.
THEN she was like an open soda next to a bee hive: SWARMED, when most of us would have been given some semblance of privacy. That's sickening. Shame on them.

It's truly disgusting that most people ignore FACTS just so they can have 2 seconds of 'fame' on TV, Radio or Forums blasting about 'another celeb wanting, but not deserving, pity'.
Shame on them.

EVERYONE...wake up! Stop being so damned ignorant.
This isnt about what law(s) she broke, so everyone needs to stop harping and comparing this to Martha Stewart, OJ etc. citing shes just another 'drunk driver' who should be flogged in public blahblablah.
This is about her 'serving her time' and taking her punishment. PERIOD.

She's already been tried in a Court Of Law; she admitted her wrongdoing, pleaded Guilty and accepted her punishment.. GRACEFULLY. BUT, according to Medical Professionals after a few days, staying in 'the Tower' would be detrimental to her health.
Shit happens, does it not?
How was she to know her health would rapidly decline being affected by that facility?
No one can predict what will happen when their life and lifestyle is turned upside down like that.

She was WILLING TO SERVE HER TIME and have her life BE turned upside down. She went to jail and, unpredictedly so, suffered "serious medical" problems. After Medical personnel examined her and filed their report/findings, it was recommended she be put under House Arrest with an Electronic Monitoring Device.
An alternative to being in jail, even DRUG DEALERS & worse sometimes utilize it to serve their time &/or Probation, it would NOT continue to negatively impact her health. Sherriff Baca thought this was a viable solution and she went under House Arrest... much like other people who have committed WORSE crimes than she did (she violated Probation; driving with suspended License..).

The JUDGE didn't even want to consider the facts pertaining to her health issues when brought back to court to discuss her being discharged from 'the Tower' to remain under House Arrest. He coldly ordered her BACK into the same facility which Medical Professionals said would be seriously detrimental to her health!

He's a Judge, not a Doctor, and he had a responsibility to look at ALL The facts. He clearly did not. Rich or poor, celebrity or unknown: YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO A FAIR TRIAL/HEARING. She didn't get one in this case, like it or not, the facts speak for themselves.

So stop being so dam hateful and mean, John Q Public. What's wrong with everyone? :( Just leave Ms Hilton alone. I'm sure her Lawyers will do something about this on her behalf.
Until then, lets just hope and pray this HUMAN BEING will be okay, and that she receives the Medical assistance needed while there...and that the people talking smak, plus the overzealous invasive paparrazzo, fade into "stfu"ness.

Final thought:
Through difficult times it's good to see friends stick by one another; especially in this day and age. I know it's hard to remain steady on your feet, especially for Paris right now, but whenever you feel down keep your chin up and remember this always:
' No matter what anyone says, no one knows ones self better than themselves. When in doubt & low on faith & strength, lean upon a true friend's shoulder, for it is there that you will find real solace & comfort. Those who don't truly know you matter not. '

/end rant
Blessings, peace and light,

Thursday, June 07, 2007

My thoughts about the Rosie fiasco

So here we have Rosie O'Donnell who, unlike me, is defined as a "celebrity". Someone in the spotlight. Someone highly visible. Someone who, when they speak, most everyone listens to. Someone who's daily routine is under constant scrutiny and then, sometimes, plastered all over the media. Someone who, recently, voiced her opinions which were based upon factual information and then got promptly slaughtered globally in the media.

In my life (and those of you who know me, know this) Ive had to contend with WAVES of rediculous crap whenever Ive stated my opinion &/or the facts. An opinion cannot be argued with as it is the personal feelings/thoughts of the person who cites it. You cannot argue facts because they ARE facts. It is a fact that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. It is a fact that milk provides the human body with calcium. Why do people INSIST on arguing someones personal opinions & facts? I haven't a clue...but people do it all the time.

What if George Bush was on The View and stated the very same opinions and facts that Rosie had voiced. Would an on-air argument have ensued? I highly doubt it. The question is: WHY NOT?

Well, for 1 thing, GB is the President. 'who would DARE defy him!?'. For another thing, since he is our Commander In Chief, the viewers (both live and watching from home) AND co-hostesses would be more apt to keep their mouths shut simply because he IS President. Maybe those two go hand in hand but there is a difference, albeit a slight one, with the bottom line being that NO ONE would want to be opposing the President on live television.

Enter Rosie. Strong, outspoken, forthright and unwavering. Beginning to point out the faulty and, somewhat, misleading statements made by someone on-air she stood her ground and backed up her statements with facts. How many actually truly HEARD her? Who knows. But I did.

Supporting the troops while disagreeing with the jumbled 'reasoning' for keeping them abroad is NOT that hard to comprehend. Defining 'terrorists' with a pronounced definition, instead of wafting back and forth broadening the definition to suit circumstance, is not that difficult to do either.

While everyone IS entitled to their own opinions and the Constitution Of The United States allows each American "Freedom Of Speech", it is very sloppy for a 'celebrity' to sit on a panel and attempt to defend non-understanding 'blanket' statements in a nationwide public fora as the aftereffects will have devastating effects. Why Ms. Hasselbeck did this is a question only she can answer.

Should we loathe her? No. She has her own opinions and perceptions which cannot be faulted with; but so does Rosie. What was upsetting to me was Ms. Hasselbeck's repeated attempts, even after Ms. O'Donnell tried to 'move on', to explain her opinions in such a manner that would show definitive, glaring faults with Ms. O'Donnell's opinions and statement of facts.
Which brings us full circle: WHY ARGUE FACTS & OPINIONS, because you CANNOT.

Some people agree with Rosie, some agree with Elizabeth. Some don't care either way. We are all human beings on this planet Earth and WAY too much energy is spent worrying about who thinks what about whom.

We need to stop absorbing the 'glamour' of this argument, thereby dragging it on and on, and start taking heed of the facts which were contained therein.
We all need to be open to factual information which may or may not change our opinions. Anything else is argumentative and does nothing more than bring negative energies into our lives. Which, I might add, are jumbled up enough already.

In doing so, we will be able to voice our opinions without fear no matter who we are status-wise. We will set ourselves free from chaotic arguing and the pointless browbeating, which does nothing but spawn neverending circles of fingerpointing and endless controversy.

Freedom Of Speech.

Blessings, peace and light,

For Ro

Dear Ro,
I thought I would share this, a writing crafted a few years ago on that day, with you. I was moved then and am still being moved daily by the continuing atrocities stemming from that incident.

You're one strong woman. God Bless, and here is my poem:

The Shadows 9/11

A faceless image brushes past
Swiftly moving towards eternity
For a brief moment
It impales me

Dreams, hopes, desires aglow
Changing intensities, emerging
For a brief moment
They disrupt me

Emotions of fury, fear, hope
Bathe me in a sea of gray
For a brief moment
They move me

Nameless souls in despair, cry
In an ocean of tears to drown
For a brief moment
They join me

Voices like the sirens piercing, deep
Images, dreams, emotions, souls
For a brief moment
They touch me

A voice speaks of unity, strength, prayer
Of freedom, love, a nation under God
For a brief moment
Did you hear me


Ro, you are eloquent and blunt pointing out facts. As a factual woman who has had her share of browbeating and arguments I too know what it is like to be pummeled and I am glad that, despite everything negative being thrown your way, you stand up and maintain that which makes you YOU. Your passions, beliefs, principles and opinions; NO one has a right to take them from you for they make you the special & unique human being you are. It is nice to see you, a highly visible and respected person, unwavering despite all that is thrown your direction.

I just hope people are listening.

Blessings, peace and light,

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Ive moved....

decided to blog on MySpace rather than all over the place .. much easier that way although I WILL post here from time to time. The"My Homepage" link in my profile is my MySpace.

When you get there, I need to approve you so please, make sure you use a name *I* recignize.
Otherwise, well, given the current brouhaha I cant approve people I dont know; Im sure you understand :D

Peace, blessings and light,

Sunday, December 24, 2006

So this is Christmas...

Everywhere that people recignize this holiday, wishes of "Merry Christmas" and "happy holidays" can be heard. Between people who do not know each other and between those who know each other well, it can be a greeting, sentiment or even a goodbye.

Though, as with the word "love", it can be taken for granted. Do we TRULY wish the person we are saying it to a "Merry Christmas"? Do we TRULY hope they have "happy holidays"? Or are we just uttering the words because its the 'right thing' to do at the moment?

There are many people throughout the world who would appreciate someone uttering a kind word, or words, to them, even if only once a year during the Christmas season; as long as they're truly meant. The orphan sitting on the bench alone in the dark with nowhere to go. The mother who lost her only child. The brother or sister who has lost their sibling. The family without funds for massive quantities of presents or food. "Merry Christmas" then becomes not just something to say but evokes a feeling of caring and compassion. So much so that the speaker may be drawn to help and make their Christmas a Merry one.

So while we are all sitting around wondering who-got-what and who-gave-what, whats for dinner and dreading the 'omigish we are gonna owe so much!' bills to come, lets not forget what this season is TRULY about.

It is a celebration if Christ's Birth. It is a giant Birthday party for The One who died for our sins; The One who is good and kind.
The One who wraps His arms around every man, woman and child on this earth no matter how rich, poor, happy, sad, sick, or healthy they are.
The One who looks at humankind not with eyes that see color, religion, sexual preference, political or social status, but as human beings each and every one.

So hey, this Holiday?
Remember this: when you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" to someone, you are joining them in the Birthday Party of Christ, and are enjoying thier company as a human being. And that sometimes, "giving" doesn't mean money or materialistic things;
it can mean a warm hand or even just a smile.

Merry Christmas to you and yours :)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Say WHAT ? Lower tuition for Illegals ??

Okay so, Im watching the news tonight and they did a blurb on the Bill, which is currently in Congress awaiting approval, thatwill essentially offer LOWER Tuition fees for children of illegal aliens AND for illegal aliens, period.


As a proud parent who was born and raised in the USA, who is currently struggling and wondering how in the heck SHE will be ableto help HER OWN kids (also born and raised in he USA) regardingCollege Tuition, I find this horrendous.

Forgive me but it seems a tad hypocritical to enable lower fees for Colleges in the United States for Illegal's and then bitch and moan about there being TOO MANY Illegal's IN the United States.

So this is going to help the current problems? Hardly.Will it decrease the number of Illegal's already here and/or wanting to live in the United States? No.So WHY is this a good thing?
SO MANY Americans are starving, homeless and struggling, including those affected by last year's disastrous Hurricanes and other disasters since, that I find it VERY hard to swallow that our Government is focusing on the needs of those who aren't even Citizens. Or, those who are, but their parents are not.

FOCUS ON YOUR CITIZENS!!!!! FOCUS on those who pay taxes per YOUR laws and Governmental regulations. FOCUS on those who sometimes have to miss a day of work because their gas tank is on empty and they don't even have the $5.00 it will take to put ONE SINGLE GALLON into it. FOCUS on the children of lesser-priveledged families who are struggling and barely making it, for reasons too many to list (disabilities, layoffs, in-between jobs...). WHAT ABOUT THEIR FUTURE?

Oh sure. There are Grants and Scholarships.But when you crunch the numbers, there simply is NOT enough Aid available via those routes to even begin to make a dent in the number of youth who truly NEED the help. Some extremely brilliant minds go to waste simply because 'there's not enough funds' or 'we're sorry but you were not chosen this year'.

Get a loan? Sure. So the student has to work 3 jobs to cover rent, utilities, gas for their car, books, school supplies, food, clothing, living supplies and to pay back the loan with it's high interest rate, and SOMEhow find the time to STUDY and actually get a decent grade in their classes? Yeah, right, THAT makes a LOT of sense.

I'm truly disgusted about this. The Tuition problem has existed for awhile now and I cannot BELIEVE that their solution, or part of it, isto LOWER Tuition for Students who are here illegally or who'sparents are here illegally.

I'm FAR from being a racist and yes, those children do need assistance but SO DO THE U.S. CITIZENS. What about MY children?? What about United States Citizen families and their children ???

I'd LOVE to get a response to THAT . I doubt I will though.

I am but 1 grain of sand on this Beach named: America. Step on me some more.

I'll bet you enjoy sitting in your leather-backed chairs with your Versace shoes and Armani suits and watch ALL us grains of sand, who have enough balls to speak up, get washed away with the tide as if they and the REAL problems never existed.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sit on my 10 yr. old couch in my 4 yr. old pajamas (because I can't afford to buy for me; my kidscome first) and ponder exactly WHY I'm supposed to be Proud To Be An American.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

What's going ON ??

Just a note today. Blah...

I am just mulling over the fact that so much hatred is in the world today. So many of our children are "sweet as sugar" around their families and parents, but when on venues which aren't normally/usually inhabited with adults, they turn into little "monsters".

Cusswords fly around like a pod of bees to honey; insults are slung (to other kids as well as adults ?!) like a baseball from the Pro-Pitchers mound; threats are made with gross abandon ("Ill kill you!" "Ill (insert sexually explicit things here) your mom.sister/dad/daughter/son!" etc....). Its reprehensible, disgusting and frankly disheartening.

They truly think they can "get away" with doing/saying these things; that it's OKAY because "everyone does it" and/or "noone is going to do anything"; all because "they CANT DO ANYTHING about it".

And it is sad, because one has to wonder if they're truly like this in real life and if so, WHAT on earth would they EVER have to offer society? Will they ever BE productive/helpful individuals? Is there ANY respect, morals, values in their souls?

Some of these kids seem downright in-human. SOME of them are PROUD of their abuseive, malicious persona's. Some openly BRAG about the nastiest, most reprehensible, dishonest and hurtful things as though they have won the Super Bowl and are displaying their Super Bowl Rings and trophy.

Yes, parents do have a responsibility, both in real life AND while their children are browsing on the internet, to ensure the safety of their children AS WELL AS those they interact with. This means physical, emotional and mental safety must be insured at all times and to the best of their abilities.

So I have to wonder, where are the parents? Where are the "bigwigs" of the internet venues who SHOULD be monitoring for such activites?

Then again, all a parent has to do is swat their childs behind to get the "Im CALLING C.P.S!" response; thanks to the corrupted infrastructure of the so-called Legal "System" these days.

But rather than use the spank, why don't parents just keep their eyes open a bit more and pay attention more? Just because you THINK your child doesn't know how to do something does NOT mean that his or her FRIEND has not shown him things; or, inadvertantly, their school's computer class tought them a few things.

And it would seem that most venues today, be they a physical venue or Internet provided venue, are more concerned about enforcing the loopholes which enable them to "pass the buck" of responsibility onto the USER, rather than take the steps necessary to protect their clients/customers/visitors/users INITIALLY and from the get-go.

How hard is it to do?

Parent takes 3 minutes to install Parental-control software on their computer. Child sits at computer. Parent sits in chair opposite computer and reads/does whatever while computer screen is in plain view at all times. Child leaves computer. Parent takes 2 minutes to view the sites visited and the history of program useage.
Thats 5-8 minutes of "work" to insure your childs safety. AND, the additional time taken while they're on the computer keeps them safe and keeps the parent's mind at ease.

And, if any illicit or easily accesible venues are noted, the parent can report the website. And, the same can be said for a physical venue; child goes to park, child plays with friends, child comes home stoned. parent SHOULD call the City Hall (to report children using their park for such activities) and other authorities.

So, in the meantime I sit back and hear magazines, e-zines, websites, TV Shows, Radio Shows and everyone else cite how our future is dependant on the children of today and also how much parenting has changed from the days of yore.... and how much the children of today have changed (and not for the better)...

And I wonder how come everyone is moving their mouths and pens and cameras, but we're still complaining about the same old things meaning nothing's being done about it?
